The nights were long, the days were exhausting, the cries of hurting pups were heartbreaking and to know it could have all been prevented. Yet that couldn't change what had to be done to fix it. Around the clock bottles, puppy cleanings, cover changes, warmth, comfort and love. Being foster mom's to 10 needy babies who were left to freeze and starve to death on the side of the road, can be a very trying time, but when you are able to see the happy endings such as the story below- you cry when they leave, you smile because they have that forever home, and you're ready to do it all over again if the need ever arises. It's all about saving a life, or 10.
All of our tails are a happy chapter to the rescue's book, but this one is one of those that is just a little more special to us. Pictured above is one of the most amazing families, who opened their heart and home to Dallas on the left(formerly known as Jenny) in early 2010. Dallas was one of the 10 bottle fed pups known as the "Chipmunks". Due to the cold they had to fight off frostbite, and Dallas was hit the hardest with it. She was a real trooper and a fighter, and overcame that obstacle. Thanks to the love and wonderful care she has received, she never has or will have the need to feel abandoned, hungry, or unloved again. They fell in love with her, and her with them. We could not ask for a better family for our girl.
Fast forward to August '11, they were ready for a second dog to add to their family when they noticed the brother to Dallas had still not been adopted yet. Theodore was still in the loving care of his foster family just waiting for that perfect family to come along and want him. Due to him being with his family for a little over a year and a half, he was very loyal to them, and a bit unsure of new people. He would warm up it would just take him some time. This family fell in love with Theodore, and stepped up to the challenge. Unlike so many who expect a rescue dog to come with no baggage, this wonderful family said they would give him the time, patience, and love to work with him and allow him to be a happy member of their family just as Dallas is. How wonderful is it, that not only has the last of the Chipmunk pups found the best forever home- but a sister and brother were reunited!! It was so awesome to see one of the babies again, she has turned into such a beautiful, happy girl - all because her wonderful family has given her the life every dog deserves to have. This is why we do what we do, this is why when the call to bottle these pups came in we said yes.
From the foster mom's of these precious babies- THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for giving these 2 sweeties the home and family they deserve!
A HUGE thank you to each and everyone one who adopted a Chipmunk puppy. We hope they have brought much happiness and joy to you, and you to them. It took 1 1/2 yrs for this chapter of life to close, but it had a happy ending which is all that matters. The time is nothing in comparison to saving lives. We would gladly do it all over again if the need arises. Speaking as one of the foster mom's, THIS is why I do it. This story, and the 8 other happy ones are why I do it. It was demanding, tiring, hard, heartbreaking, rough, tough, messy, nasty, sad, smelly, and costly, but I wouldn't have it any other way. That's part of saving lives and given second chances to those who wouldn't have had them otherwise.