Friday, January 15, 2010

A poem about the sacrifices made...

I'll see you through
By: Sharon Parker

Sacrifices made by many,
and the use of countless pennies.
Sleep is long past gone,
and yet you hear another moan.
Time again already pal?
I don't see how.
I push the sleep out of my eye,
to see the whining pups lie.
Lying there awaiting food,
no matter what my mood.
It doesn't matter how I feel,
it seems we made a deal.
Pushing sleep and me aside,
I promised to be there by their side.
No matter if something is up with me,
I promised them a way through, can't you see?
It's not about me at all,
and not about this order being tall.
It's not about my lost sleep,
while they lay there and count sheep.
It's not about what's wrong in my life,
they've had enough strife.
No matter what, I'll see them through,
even if the skies cease being blue.
I'll be there with them til' the end,
and even through the thick and thin.

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